Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Player Contract Inflation vs Real Inflation

Average MLB Salary* Salary Inflation Average Inflation**
2008 2.93 M 3.6% 2.85%
2007 2.82 M 4.6% 3.24%
2006 2.70 M 9.0% 3.39%
2005 2.48 M 7.0% 2.68%
2004 2.31 M -2.5% 2.27%

* Based on data released by the MLBPA
** From previous year. Contracts are signed usually at the end of the preceding year.

Inflation Data
MLBPA Salary Data, 2004-2008

1 comment:

  1. JW, this is Pizza Cutter from Statistically Speaking. Would you be so kind as to drop me an e-mail at rcarleto {at sign thingie} depaul {period} edu.
